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Root Canal Therapy in El Paso

Regenerative Endodontics
El Paso Family Dental provides root canal therapy in El Paso, TX. Call 915-585-2020 to learn more and schedule an appointment.

What Is A Root Canal?

A root canal is a procedure named for the part of the tooth it is performed on. The root canal is the inner chamber of a tooth that contains the dental pulp, a soft tissue made up of blood vessels and nerves. If bacteria invades the root canal through a deep cavity or a crack in a tooth, the dental pulp may become infected and a root canal procedure will be necessary. A root canal may also be done proactively to prevent infection.

During a root canal the dental pulp is removed, the root canal is thoroughly cleaned out, and the tooth is filled with a rubbery material that fortifies the tooth and prevents infection. In many cases a crown will be placed over the tooth following a root canal to protect the remaining tooth structure and root.

What is Endodontic Retreatment? 

Occasionally a tooth that was treated months or years ago may develop new problems. In some cases a tooth that has received a root canal fails to heal or continues to have pain. You may have another chance to save the tooth with a second endodontic procedure.

Benefits of A Root Canal

There are many benefits to getting a root canal:

  • Removes infection. A root canal procedure eliminates the infection by removing infected tissue from the tooth.
  • Relieves pain. A tooth infection can be painful, but a root canal relieves pain by removing the infected tissue as well as the nerves inside the tooth.
  • Prevents infection. A tooth with a deep cavity or a crack is at risk of infection. A root canal can be done proactively to prevent the tooth from becoming infected.
  • Saves the tooth. In many cases a root canal can save the natural tooth and allow it to stay in place in your mouth

Are You a Good Candidate for A Root Canal?

If you have a tooth that hurts or is extremely sensitive to cold or heat, you may be a good candidate for a root canal. A severe toothache indicates an infected tooth that should be treated as soon as possible to increase the chances of saving the tooth. A tooth that is sensitive to hot or cold temperatures and the sensitivity resonates after the source is gone, may be at risk of infection. A deep cavity or a cracked tooth is also at risk for infection and may need a root canal.

Why Choose El Paso Family Dental?

It is our goal to save your natural teeth whenever possible, and root canals are one of the ways we do that. Through state of the art technology, we ensure that your root canal procedure is successful, flushing out and filling every corner of the root canal to prevent the need for repeat treatment. We also want you to be comfortable, which is why we provide sedation dentistry for patients who feel that local anesthesia alone may not be enough to feel relaxed.

At El Paso Family Dental we treat you like family with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Our patients are the center of our focus. We constantly strive to provide the highest quality dental care and patient experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Root Canals

Are root canals painful?
The root canal procedure is typically performed with local anesthesia to numb the area and prevent you from feeling any pain. If requested, sedation can be used to provide relaxation assistance for patients who are nervous or anxious.
How long does a root canal take?
A root canal procedure takes between 30 and 60 minutes on average. The actual length of the procedure depends on the type, size, and location of the tooth, as well as the complexity of the root canal structure.
Will I need a crown after a root canal?
In most cases a tooth will need to be fitted with a crown after a root canal procedure. A crown protects the remaining tooth structure and the root, sealing it off from infection.
Why do I need a root canal?
A root canal may be recommended if you have an infected tooth or a tooth that is at risk of infection due to damage or significant decay. A cracked or broken tooth may need a root canal to prevent infection.
Are root canals covered by insurance?
Most dental insurance plans cover root canals. They may only be covered up to a certain percent and you may have a deductible that must be met first. For specific information about your plan and coverage, refer to your insurance provider or your benefits guide.

Contact Us

To learn more, call 915-585-2020 or contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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El Paso Family Dental

965 N. Resler Dr., Suite #105
El Paso, TX 79912